#EpicLife: These results will leave you speechless

We’ve just finished another round of our 90-day wellness challenge—and what a journey it’s been! Thousands have been celebrating their recent accomplishments and the support within the community has been incredible.

Angela Barry-Wade completed her journey with us, ending with several Non-Scale Victories (NSVs), and winning 1st Place in our Most Significant Non-Scale Victory category!

Her story has inspired our entire community and we are so proud of her accomplishments!


I love the Epicure meals.

My energy levels bounced back just 3 days after changing my meals!

1)    What was your life like before the Epic Life Program?

Before the Epic Life Challenge, I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I gained 50 pounds since my youngest was born and he will be 2 years old next month. My health was not doing well, my legs and feet were swelling, and my feet were sore every day. I had acid reflux and heartburn, and food was getting stuck in my throat on a daily basis. So much so, that it happened sometimes twice a day and I ended up being sick. I had low energy levels—even when I got a good sleep, I crashed on the couch mid-afternoon. I was addicted to Pepsi and was often having 4 or more cans a day. Walking upstairs with a laundry basket made me out of breath. I didn’t meal prep and I was often too tired to cook, so I’d have my hubby cook or we’d order takeout. 

2)    How has your life been positively impacted?

 My life has changed SO MUCH since starting the challenge! I decided that I needed a big change and nothing would stop me from sticking to the plan. My husband, Barry, has also been my biggest supporter. He decided to do this program with me. We both needed the change. My energy levels bounced back just 3 days after changing my meals! And eventually, I had no more swelling in my feet or legs, my acid reflux and heartburn were gone, and my breathing improved so much I only needed my puffer a handful of times. I also began to have more self-confidence and a more positive mindset. 

3)    What are your most significant non-scale victories?

To this point, I have released 38 pounds. My goal is to eventually weigh under 200 pounds and I’m super motivated to achieve that goal! I’m much happier now and I’m extremely grateful for the Epic Life Challenge and how drastically it has changed my life. I love Epicure meals and no longer crave the sweets, soda and junk food that I used to have regularly.  

4)    Would you recommend the Epic Life Challenge to others?

I would totally recommend this program to friends and family and already have! My parents and sister have all ordered the Epic Life Collection. Thank you so much, Epicure, and everyone in this group, for all of your incredible support and inspiration!

Watch Angela’s #EpicLife video here.

Join the next Epic Life Challenge!

Discover ways to make sustainable, healthy changes in your life with 90 days of wellness!

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